Join the military wellness revolution as an endorsed healthcare provider

Deploi streamlines the pathway between serviceperson and military-adjacent support. As an endorsed healthcare provider, you can connect with a community looking for your vital expertise and tap into health analytics that mobilise positive change from the get-go.  

With the ability to outstretch your skills, share valuable health content, manage bookings and provide your services directly from your Deploi profile, you’ll boost your career and make a lasting impact all at once.

Extend your reach, stay in reach

Military audiences need practitioners that understand. Ones that know how unique their experiences are and have the knowledge to provide specialised healthcare during service, in their home transition and beyond.

If you’re ready to uplift your expertise as a doctor, mental health professional, allied health provider or anything in between, seek a Deploi endorsement and connect with veterans ready to take a positive step forward.

Establish credibility and trust

With a Deploi endorsement, you’ll prove you’re dedicated to providing high-quality, military-specific healthcare.  This recognition will also help  extend your reach to those who need it most and will build empathetic and confident patient relationships.

Get bookings and manage clients in one place

With one simple and easy to use system, you can connect with new clients, manage your bookings and see your calendar with a glance. Deploi’s advanced health management tools will allow you to confidently monitor progress, recognise trends or trajectories and mobilise steps forward in real-time.

Become an industry authority

Endorsed healthcare providers stand out in a competitive healthcare marketplace. Your endorsement shows you’re dedicated to serving the needs of military personnel and veterans, and that you’re willing to go the extra mile to provide the best possible care. Build your Deploi profile by publishing helpful content and resources to further bolster your expertise.

Make a difference, leave a legacy

As an endorsed healthcare professional, you’ll join the Deploi health service network, build an engaged community of clients and establish your reputation as a military health specialist. 

It’s the easiest way to connect with the people that need you most, when they need you most.

Become an endorsed healthcare provider

Join Deploi’s network of support and establish your services within the military community.

Build your profile

With Deploi, you can showcase skills, expertise and knowledge on your personalised profile page. Share your own content, resources and story to help people understand how you can help.

Outstretch industry-leading care

Build your client base and make a long-lasting difference within the military community.

Be a vital part of the wellbeing of veterans and their families today.

Join Deploi

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Military members & families

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Military members & families

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Connect with genuine support

The Deploi community is here for you, just as you were for the community.

Outstretch transformative support and opportunities to the military community


Be the frontline of meaningful change.

Extend quality and specialized care to the military community

Lead a revolution with best-in-class support and learning.

Members & families
Military-friendly organizations
Healthcare providers

The Deploi community is here for you, just as you were for the community.

Outstretch transformative support and opportunities to the military community

Be the frontline of meaningful change.

Extend quality and specialized care to the military community

Lead a revolution with best-in-class support and learning.